Wednesday, March 30, 2011

My Favorite HOLIday

This post might seem really stupid to all my friends from Utah, since it's basically just explaining something that everyone knows about.

Every year at the very end of March, every single person's Facebook profile picture changes to a colorful, chalky, beautiful mess. Yes my friends. My favorite holiday is Holi. Well, at least my that's my favorite non-Christian holiday...though Nowruz (the Persian New Year) makes for a pretty tough competitor in that category.

For those that don't know what Holi is (aka Festival of Colors), click on the link to take you to good ol Wikipedia to get a rough explanation, because goodness knows I'm not going to take the time to do so. There's an Indian Temple located in Spanish Fork, Utah, and for those who don't know, that's about 20 minutes-ish from Provo. There's always terrible traffic on that day because everyone is trying to make it in time, but Mary's friend gave us instructions for a back way to get there, and it never fails. A 20 minute trip, no traffic, perfect parking. And no....I will never ever share this secret passage. Anyway, I didn't go this year because it was too darn cold for me to want to be outside for that long. Spring came for a few days...but quickly left again as it does every single stupid year. And the weather will go back and forth between spring and lingering Winter until June. Seriously. So annoying. Ok that was a tangent, but whatever let's get back on topic.

Me and Mary have a goal to make it to India at some point in our lives during the Spring so we can be there for Holi. It will happen. It will.

Someone posted the following video onto Facebook, and I thought it was absolutely amazing. And after watching it, you'll all soon see why this might just be my very favorite holiday.

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