Sunday, February 27, 2011

Just for the Record

I went through every single font that blogger gives me under that "design" tab. And every. Single. One. SUCKS. So our blog is still so very ugly. Not just due to the font of course, but I feel like that's one of the main contributing factors to the fact that it is so so very aesthetically unpleasing. And it'll just keep being ugly, and you're just gonna have to keep getting over it.

Peace, homies.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

A day in the life of a NICU Dietitian

I slept for 8 hours last night. Hallafreakinlulah. I've been having trouble falling asleep it the excitement for my job, old age or just issues trying to make myself to bed at 9-10ish and waking up at 6 am, who knows. I end up laying in bed for hours. But, what I do know is that it sure gets in the way of having a normal, happy life. If anything I have learned to appreciate my many years of normal sleep. I have decided I am not ready for kids. Sleep is too important to me, especially while working [more than] full time. Good thing that is not even close to an option right now, haha.

On a more positive note, I'm still loving my job! AND I'm getting the hang of it to where I'm almost ready to be on my own and I'm starting to feel like I fit in with the team at rounds and the team of RDs. (I better since they are the only friends I will have soon with these hours, Hahaha.) Our census has been unusually high, overflowing in fact. It's fun and quite the learning experience. But yeah, the babies are as cute as ever and I am doing my best to save one baby at a time (or 50 really) by getting them the nutrition they need to grow! Everyone (including healthcare professionals sadly enough) asks me and my family what the NICU needs a dietitian for so I decided to briefly explain a little better what I do and why there shouldn't be a question for the need for a nutrition expert on the team for these precious sick little babies!

I arrive at IMC in the Women's Center and take my nifty special badge to get me into the NICU unit. I go through the numbers of "ins and outs" aka intakes, output, route of feeding, special needs, etc from the day before and make sure it all looks good and help enter in the information into some programs on the computer. Many premature babies have troubles breathing, haven't learned the "suck/swallow" skill yet and can develop infections and problems in their intestines if feeds are not watched carefully so outside nutrition besides just simply breastfeeding is needed. Not to mention the other problems nutritionally with the little ones!

Rounds start. The team consists of a Neonatologist, Nurse Practitioner, Pharmacist, Respiratory Therapist, Nurse, and of course, the Dietitian! I give the nutrition report to start off and then everyone goes through giving numbers for the past day on that baby and their recommendations for that infant relating to their specialty.

Rounds are over and I'm off to lunch! Mmmmmmmm

I begin assessments on the babies that are due for an initial or reassessment (all babies are due once a week depending on their admit date). I type it up and upload my assessment into the electronic chart and sign off in charts for the new babies and plot their growth on the growth charts. These take most of the afternoon. Then I do educations for parents and talk to nurses as needed relating to the baby's special nutrition needs...aka are they on nutrition through the vein? through a tube in the gut? by mouth? breastfeeding? a mix of all the above? what is their order for? are they on or do they need fortifiers in their feedings? are they meeting their needs? do they need a MVI? Is the baby going home on a special formula and if so meet with that parent to teach how they can provide their baby the same calories and such at home with the formulas.

Drive home!

Obviously that's not everything but for the most part is my schedule these days in the big girl world. And I love it. On the days I'm so tired I just remember how grateful I am to have a job right out of college, doing what I went to school for and with a company I can say I am proud to be with.

Okay off to speed dating. Yes, that is my charity work for tonight, haha. My friend is having this activity tonight and I thought it'd be fun/funny to go and see what happens with it so we're going together. Plus there is refreshments. Wish me luck...

Monday, February 21, 2011

The Real World (Pt. II)

Sooo picking up where I left off last. And I'm writing this pretty late, so it'll probably be full of typos and such.

I headed out East again last week (Feb. 15-17) to take a few tests for the potential job I mentioned in my last post. Other than coming back completely mentally exhausted, everything went pretty well...I think....I hope. We'll see. But since I'm not allowed to actually discuss what all happened as far as my testing went, I'll just vent about everything else.

I left early Tuesday morning, and I parked in the covered parking garage at the SLC airport. That's right. I got covered parking on Big Brother's dime. That means you tax-paying suckers (including myself, I suppose) paid for my $84 parking for three days. Not each day, just all together. Anyway...the plane took off at 10am and was a loooong 4 hrs, but ended up being actually 6 hr time difference since I had to cross two time zones and I actually didn't land until 4. So the traveling took up half my day. But on the bright side, I finished the book I was reading and was able to start a new one.

Luckily I saw a shuttle to airport immediately and so I didn't even have to call the hotel to send one over for me. The hotel is literally like 48 seconds from the airport and I checked in and headed up to my room and immediately turned on my TV, because all I wanted to do was relaaaax. I went down at 5:30 and ordered my TWO dinners of course. Ate them both up in my room before even one episode of Scrubs was over. I felt really jittery like I needed to be studying for my test the next day, but it's not the kind of test you can study for...which only made me more jittery. So I just kept watching TV. In Utah, I have to wait until midnight before the new episode of The Daily Show comes on, and then 12:30 till The Colbert Report. And those are my two favorite shows. As in, I watch them religiously. Buuut I was very happy to discover that they come on at 11 and 11:30 in that particular time zone!  It's the little things that make me happy. Really though.

I couldn't sleep that night, partly because I at midnight it felt like 10, but mostly because I was so nervous. The last time I looked at the clock I saw 2:30am. And I was up for some time after that. I had to wake up at 5:30 to be downstairs by 6:30 to order breakfast, then be ready to go at 7. In case that math is two hard, that means I got about 2.5 hours of sleep that night. Not the most ideal condition for me to be in that day. But I lived. And you better believe I took a 3.5-4 hour nap when I got home that afternoon. 

I was given a voucher to eat at the cafeteria there, so when I went to go grab lunch I walked in and realized how much the place reminded me of high school. You had to go through lines to get the food, ring it up, then enter the land of people who have friends and all sit together. Guess who didn't have friends? Me. I walked all the way to a back corner in a feeble attempt to disappear, but some young nerdy guy fresh out of the Navy came up and asked to sit with me. I'm all about the nerds, don't get me wrong. Nothing hotter than an intelligent, well-informed man. But this guy lacked some basic social skills, which I personally do not happen to find all that attractive. Lack of social skills, that is. He was very kind, but definitely a weirdo. When he found out that my minor was Arabic, he said "Ah, tatakelim?" (I never know how to spell Arabic words in English letters, so please forgive me if you are capable of understanding how terribly I butchered that). Two things wrong with that sentence: (1) He didn't conjugate the verb for a girl. I'm a girl. (2) What he said was "Ah, do you speak?" I wanted to reply by asking him what the end of that sentence was. Clearly he was asking if I speak Arabic. But I just thought it was a funny way of wording it, and wanted to let him know. I realized that might seem rude, which it was. So I abandoned the thought, and just answered and then had a short conversation in Arabic. He then started talking about how pretty Utah is, but how Provo girls didn't respond positively to him when he'd hit on them. I felt really awkward seeing as how I've assimilated to this area and am, to him, a "Provo girl." Kind of makes me gag saying that just because of all the negative stereotypes associated with that phrase. But to an outsider, I suppose I've lived here for almost 5 years and I guess that's what it's come to. I swear I don't fit those negative stereotypes though. Anyway, the conversation just kept getting worse when he went on with how he wishes there were more bars, that there were more of a night life on Saturdays......and then somehow from there I recall him telling me how it's not uncommon for him to wake up in prison in a foreign country. I have no idea how he went from A to B in that conversation, but I obviously had nothing to contribute and was having a hard time just being polite at that point. He also talked about how he wishes that he could eat pudding all day every day, and how I wasn't allowed to judge him because there I was eating a greasy pizza. Well mister, I in fact had TWO greasy pizzas and enjoyed them. Thank you very much. It was all so strange. He finally left, and I waited a few minutes before I got up, then made my way back to call the hotel shuttle to come take me back. And then took my veryyyyy long nap.

That night I watched more TV. It was glorious, mainly because I never let myself watch much TV because it's all trash and such a waste of time. Unless your name is Jon Stewart or Stephen Colbert. Or Dr. House even. The next day I completed my tests, and this time I had a few friends that were there testing as well that I could eat with on my break. But I felt old because almost all of them were there competing for an internship. Yep, they were mostly all freshmen or sophmores in college. One of the girls was wearing pants so tight I thought they might have been painted on. The next day she wore a skirt that wasn't a mini-skirt, but was definitely wayyyy too short to wear in the work place. Along with a pair of 3 inch stiletto heels. I'm not gonna lie, I was completely modest but my outfit was still pretty hot. Not me. The outfit. Another girl was also wearing a pretty short skirt, and with hooker boots! Another guy was wearing jeans with holes in them. All I could think was people don't you know what business casual means????? I was embarrassed on their behalf. Maybe one day they'll learn. In the meantime, I certainly wouldn't hire them looking the way they did. Maybe I'm just snotty. Probably so.

That same day when I called the hotel shuttle to get me, I saw it drive down the road about 10 minutes later. But it never pulled in. I just though ok maybe it has to make a few rounds, then it'll come back. The guy with the jeans showed up and so he called as well. 15 min later, another shuttle drove down the road....and didn't pull in. This happened 4 times in all, when finally someone went and called and said that one of us (me) had seen the shuttle drive by 4 times and never once after an hour did it come get us. 3 min later, a shuttle came and got us. 

My things were already packed and I had checked out so I made my way over to the airport at about 2...even though my flight wasn't until 5:30. I also had a layover in Atlanta, which I really really didn't want to do, so I checked to see if there were any other available flights to SLC on Delta, and of course there were none. I get to my gate only to see that the neighboring gate had a direct flight to SLC. I double checked to make sure there weren't any open seats, and there weren't. I was more than furious. Not at the airline, just the universe.

When I got to Atlanta I had almost an hour to get from gate B to gate E, which I figured would be no biggie. Well did anyone else know that the Atlanta airport is rather large? Haha of course I knew that, but I kind of forgot and I've never actually been in that one before. Meanwhile, I was still unaware of how long it would take me to get from here to there, and I basically ended up RUNNING a half marathon. Or so it felt like. I was on the phone with a friend, and 20 minutes after chattin it up, I realized I was only in the Cs. Which worried me. So I started I was talking. Which is kind of hard. But I had already done most of the talking I was going to do, and was just eager to hear about the update in the person's life, so I didn't have to do much talking. Finally after I realized I had missed a turn, I had to cut the conversation short, and book it like no one's business to gate E4. I made it with about 5 min to spare, according to my ticket. I was sweating profusely by that point and likely didn't smell so fresh either. I lathered myself in lotion, hoping to mask some of the stench that I was paranoid might be fuming from my sweaty body. I'm talking like sweat beads were rolling. It was disgusting.

Also, I completed the impressive marathon in my TOMS shoes. Those, my friends, are not meant for running. I also already had a blister on the back of my heel from my super cute business casual black pointy-toed stiletto shoes. The heels weren't that tall, maybe just an inch or so but it was the first time I wore them so the back of my right heel took a pretty rough beating. Beauty is pain. Durable pain.

Oh and as I was mopping the sweat off my forehead and neck, I realized that there is a train thing that transports people around the airport. I'm really upset I didn't know that. I'm such a loser.

I ended up on the second to last row on the plane. There were 34 rows on that freakin plane I was so pissed I got stuck back there. Not to mention I was right next to the bathroom so oh don't worry no one could smell my sweatiness due to the stench of 300 plus passengers who decided to take a dump on that flight. Not to mention the dude next to me kept ripping the nastiest silent farts. So gross. That same guy had ordered a Bloody Mary with Sky Vodka and I don't drink nor do I desire to but all I could think by that point was my goodness I need myself one of THOSE.

We finally landed at 11pm, but in Eastern time it was 1am. Please recall that I initially arrived at the airport at 2ish pm earlier that day. I could have effing flown to Europe in that amount of time. AND BACK! In the parking garage I freaked out because I couldn't find my car, but realized finally that I had to go up a level. 

When I came home finally and took my contacts out, I realized that I left my glasses at the hotel. Along with my contacts case, nail clippers, eyebrow pluckers, my razor, and a few cotton balls. (all those items were in a little pouch thing together). Now I need new glasses desperately as it is because the others are ugly and have a deep scratch in the left lens. But it's still inconvenient because I don't have any glasses right now and have to stumble around blindly at night when I have to take the contacts out. And in the morning. And do you have any idea how expensive razors are??? That one probably cost like 10 bucks. I was not happy. But it could have been worse. I just don't know how on earth I left them there. I even did a final check before I left the room! Oh well. 

The reason why I went out for the trip I do think went pretty well. It's just all the other things in between that I felt like complaining about. Maybe the next post will be more positive. Maybe.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

The Real World (Pt. I)

I graduated in December 2010, and while I am grateful to be employed at the Olive Garden...I didn't get my Bachelors degree in International Relations with a minor in Arabic just so I could wait tables. So back in September 2010, BYU held their twice yearly Career Fair where I can count on one hand how many employers I actually cared to work for. In fact, I handed my resume to only 2 different people. One was a representative for the CIA. I really don't care to ever work for that particular agency for a number of reasons, but a job is a job and it was definitely worth trying, especially at entry level where no one was willing to hire me. The representative that I spoke with told me that the CIA had actually just hired a whole bunch of Middle East experts, so unless I had a masters degree, my chances were slim to none. Oh darn. Not really.

I moved on and showed up at a different booth where I spoke with a representative for the Department of Defense (that's as specific as I can get, since [spoiler alert] this story has a happy ending, as of yet anyway). After talking with him, I asked if he was accepting resumes and then handed him mine....with the thought of well, I'll never hear from them ever since they get a bajillion online applications each day.

Two weeks later....ish. I'm sitting in my U.S. Foreign Policy class, doing a quick email check from my ipod touch since it picks up wifi, and I get to this strange email. I didn't look at the subject (which would have helped a lot), so when I read the body of the email on my tiny screen in the 30 seconds I had before class started, I was so confused as to who was asking me to apply online for a job, and how they knew my name, email, and that I had studied Farsi (a dialect of Persian spoken mainly in Iran). Later, when I had time to re-read the email (and the subject), I realized that this email was a product of the resume that I had turned into the DoD at the Career Fair, and I wanted to jump up and down and tell everyone I knew that _______ emailed me and asked me to officially apply for a job. I know someone who applied here and had to wait 2 years before hearing back. Someone else had to wait 6 months. I didn't even technically apply, and it had only been 2 weeks before I heard back. What's even cooler about it all....well it's stuff I probably shouldn't disclose. At least not now. But it's definitely a very beneficial set-up on my end of the deal. I was ecstatic, but I knew the flakiness of potential government employment, in that everything can go down the pooper real fast. So I've tried (and am still trying, since my offer is still conditional as of yet) to keep level-headed about it all. Also, I was a little nervous about my workload because I had just quit my job because working even one or two days per week was too much added stress to my already heavy school-work load. I didn't plan on sending out resumes and applications until I finished with the semester. When I realized I was going to have to go through the application process (which is not short, btw) right in the middle of quite possibly my toughest semester, I had a miniature anxiety attack. But then I realized. Ok Michelle. You are going to school to get a job. This is an opportunity to get a job. SUCK IT UP. If it means my grades suffer a tad GET OVER IT. This was ultimately most important, especially since this is quite possibly a very ideal career for me.

After a series of emails, scheduling, phone screens, more emailing, more phone calls....I was asked to fly out to the East Coast for language testing and an interview at the very beginning of December...ALL EXPENSES PAID! Can I just say how cool I felt?!?

I went. I tested. I interviewed. I ate...I ate a lot. They alotted enough money at dinner for a glass of wine or some kind of alcoholic beverage to pair with my meal...and since I don't drink alchohol....I ordered two dinners each night! And you better bet your bottom dollar I sure DID eat them both each time! As well as large, hearty breakfasts and lunch :-)

Anyway, all went well and ten minutes after my interview, I was pulled aside and given a conditional job offer!! The conditional part means that I have to pass an extensive background check, among many other tests. Some of those tests are actually not hard to fail, so everything is still extremely up in the air for me.

I'm still in the process getting all those conditions checked off, and will be for many more months I suspect. But this past week, I made another trip back east to take care of two of those conditions. But I'll save that story for next time. This post is already wayyyyy too long.

Friday, February 18, 2011

My Valentine

When you read the title, you probably laughed and thought what is this girl talking about??? She hasn't had an actual boyfriend for YEARS. Well stop laughing. I'm serious. I had a Valentine.

Her name is Mary and she is my sister. And co-author of this so-far pathetic attempt at a blog.

Our evening consisted of a delicious dinner at Saigon, a hole-in-the-wall kind of restaurant in Provo on 3rd S and just after 4th W...I think. Basically, driving on 3rd S coming from Freedom Blvd it's on your right. If you hit State Street (5th W), you've gone too far. Anyway, Saigon serves DELICIOUS Chinese food for a BARGAIN. 5 bucks for a large helping of an entree, rice, egg roll, your choice of either hot and sour soup or egg drop soup (I always get the egg drop), and this really good stuff that I call red liquid candy and fried chips. I don't know what it actually is. And it's never too busy because I don't think a whole lot of people really know about it.

At dinner, we opened presents from our mom, while the other customers around us probably thought that we were a Lesbian couple opening gifts from each other. We even took pictures of each other.

The only thing that would have made that night any better would have been if 2 eligible bachelors showed up to pay for our dinners. Oh and maybe also for some snogging. And that "eligible" definition is a really long one. Probably why I'm still single.

All in all a good night.

Mary is a little slow and doesn't know what to do with this package. 

I'm just really excited I guess.

What was in the packages: an M necklace for both me and Mary. THANKS MOM! 

Mary's badge. She has a new, improved one now though. 

              THE FOOD!!! Mine, on the left: Lemon Chicken. Mary's, on the right: Sesame chicken. Oh and the red liquid candy is between those two cups of yellow stuff (egg drop soup).

My Favorite Band in the Whole Wide World

IT'S HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Excuse me please while I cry many tears of happiness.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Domestic Violence

Several of you know about my first proud professional moment in my new position that happened today at my clinical orientation but for those that don' up, this is good stuff (and for those who have heard the story, at least enjoy laughing at my pictures.) This moment resulted in me looking like I've been beat at home, hence the name of this blog. I normally would blame Michelle but she left me for a days so I can only admit hypoglycemic episode due to my retarded body. :)

Basically I was feeling pretty hungry and somewhat nauseous at about 10:30 this morning (that is now 4.5 hours after breakfast with my new schedule) but didn't have food and didn't want to seem like a weeny so I thought I'd hold off until our break at 11. Well I made it until about 10:58 when I made the decision that I absolutely could not sit there a minute longer. I had to walk out and get fresh air...or something. Sitting there was not doing the trick. At this point I was a little disoriented...wandered through the hallways and found myself in a bathroom. Realizing that wouldn't solve the problem either, I turned around facing the carpeted hallway, grabbed onto the door panel. From there, well I can't say other than me and the floor became instant friends.

I somehow woke up (from what I thought was a deep sleep) and jumped up thinking I was late for work. I again wandered through the hallways looking for someone to explain to me what was going on when I bumped into the receptionist and security guy, my soon to be friends. I quickly said when seeing their strange looks, "I think I just passed out..." Next thing I know I'm being given food from the receptionist's lunch, a nurse at my side and filling out worker's comp info. Luckily it was just a low blood sugar that caused the show of the day so my suggestions for some juice and crackers with peanut butter did the trick. If that doesn't make me a nerdy Dietitian I don't know what does.

Damages for the day: bruised front teeth, carpet burns/bruises from head down to collar bone, broken thumb nail, missing earing (found later part in hallway part in my hair haha) and embarrassment as a professional and a Dietitian. Not too bad I'd say. And so this my friends, is what one's face looks like after "domestic abuse" up above, both right afterwards and about 8 hours after it happened.

Anyways this was much longer than I meant for it to be, and quite frankly violates Michelle's #1 rule: no long posts. Until she changes the background off of the poop color though I'll exempt myself from that rule. :)

Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day...?

Despite what our profile says about me being jobless, I just finished my first day of orientation and can honestly say that I'm so excited and proud to be an employee of Intermountain Healthcare. Who needs a man to take them out for Vday when they work for the best company in Utah and as a MS, RD, CD??? Seriously though, even our President mentioned how awesome we are in his Presidential Speech that Michelle makes me watch with her now that we live together. I've decided that being out of school and working in a field that I love where I can make a difference (the job I've wanted since I was little!!) with a great team is what will now be the reason I get up in the morning. One more day of training and then it's off to my first day in the hospital! Admit it, you're jealous. In the meantime, I think I'll see what I can do about getting rid of this poop on the background of our blog. :)

Sunday, February 13, 2011


Me and Mary needed to get going on this blog thing that we promised we'd do. Right now it looks like poop. I'm over it for now. So you should get over it too and just read the pointless crap that we decide to dump on this blogger thing. Ok so thanks!