Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Mary's Fancy Liquid Fabric Softner

So, many many weeks ago, me and Mary were in need of laundry detergent. She was kind enough to take care of the grocery trip and brought some back for us. She did a few loads of laundry with it, but I didn't have to do my laundry for another week or so.

When the time came, I loaded up the washer, and reached for the laundry detergent. All I could find was liquid fabric softener, which confused me for a number of reasons.
(1) We just bought frickin detergent where the crap is it.
(2) We grew up using those ghetto fabric softener sheets that you throw into the dryer with your clothes. Not only that, but we even had to rip the sheets in half, probably for conservation/money reasons or something. Not that we were ever strapped for cash, my parents have just always been amazing at keeping a responsible budget and staying out of debt. Not that using a whole fabric softener sheet will leave us penniless...but anyway, we have never ever bought that fancy liquid fabric softer that you throw in when the clothes are on their final rinse. So why now?
(3) Why didn't Mary tell me about this new thing she wanted to try?

I asked Mary where the laundry detergent was, and she said it was in the pantry by the washer/dryer where it always is. I called her a liar. She came in, picked up the fabric softener, and handed it to me like I was an idiot. Which made me laugh pretty darn hard because that's when I realized that the poor child bought fabric softener thinking it was laundry detergent. She also washed a few loads of laundry with it. Her many reactions:
(1) "Aw man, I was wondering why it was so cheap!" (cheap compared to other detergents, not other softeners)
(2) "I thought the 'detergent' seemed more thin and strange than normal!"
(3) "Well that explains why all my clothes smelled so strong!"

Anyway, that was a few months ago, and I just now decided to be adventurous and try out this fancy liquid softener, since my ghetto softener sheets had just run out. And you know what? I think there is nothing more wonderful in this world than fancy liquid fabric softener. I can't believe I haven't tried this stuff before. Everything is so frickin soft and smells so good I just want to roll around in my freshly washed laundry all day long.

My name is Michelle, and I am a fancy liquid fabric softener convert/addict.


  1. hahaha I love how ditzy Mary can be sometimes :) but I can be just as ditzy which is why I don't feel bad for saying that! And we have master's degrees!!! LOL

  2. The fabric sheets aren't ghetto! When you are doing laundry for 7 people, you wash lots of loads. It is easier and more economical to use the sheets and actually they were a great invention that came out after the liquid stuff:) Do you want to watch every load to wait for the correct time to put the liquid softener in? I had too many other things to do. Actually they make a ball you can put the liquid stuff in and throw it in the washer with the clothes. The liquid comes out at the correct time in the wash. I know because we have used liquid softener in the past. So now that you are going to be rich soon (haha), you can use the liquid softener.
    P.S. for Mary: Do we need James to come to Salt Lake to show you how to do laundry? lol!

  3. haha. This post just made me laugh out loud. Good thing I live alone and no one had to hear me. I just love y'all!!!
