Sunday, March 6, 2011


Jon Kotter

Update 3/7/11: For those who are confused, this post is in response to a half-hearted request to mention his name within one of our posts, a request probably not actually even expected to be fulfilled. But oh. Oh how we fulfilled that request.

I assume you all already know who this fella is, you just don't realize it. If I had a picture of his calves, which I don't {yet}, you would instantly recognize him. Those are one of a kind, my friends. Anyway, me and Mary feel that the entire .00000000000000000000000000000001% of cyberspace that takes the time to read this blog should know a thing or two about this particular gentleman:

(1) First and most importantly, he apparently has fantastic, defined calves, due to his time devoted to the BYU cross country team and the track team...both of which he has become too old for "graduated" from. And I say apparently because me and Mary have yet to personally witness the remarkable muscles. But word on the street is that they are somethin' special.

(2) Jon always looks nice. And hates looooooves being told that day after day.

(3) My chocolate chip cookies are 8 million times more tasty than his. Don't listen to his lies when he tells you otherwise.

(4) He's more than halfway through with BYU Law School. I know, I know....we've all read about the tragedy of law school graduates and how they end up unemployed and swimming in piles of debt. But don't worry ladies, we are confident that Jon has the smarts and work ethic to instantly land a cushy job allowing for a luxurious lifestyle.

(5) And finally, he is no different than any other man.....can't get enough of both of us Curtis Girls ;-)

(This is not my best picture, but I think is the only one we have to document the evidence)


  1. Whoa Megan, whoa. You are a married woman/mother...This is for the single ladies out there, ha ;-)

  2. I guess I should mention that this post wasn't completely out of the blue. There was a request...which probably wasn't even actually expected to be fulfilled. Me and Mary aren't quite that creepy....or are we....???

  3. K Michelle, I'm glad you commented because I was about to say that I was super confused (and thinking it was sort of a joke). For the last picture, you totally should have put this as the caption: "Jon in a babe sandwich." hardy har har
