Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Backstreet Boys, Books, And Shout-Out To Our Newest Proud Stalker!

(1)  Guess what song came on my iPod today?!

I was on the way home from my Tuesday night date with the gym (power pump and kickboxing back to back....never EVER fails to make me so sore it hurts to stand up) and my iPod was set to shuffle and this song came on. I haven't heard this delight in probably over a decade!!! In fact, my mom dug up these gems not too long ago and tagged me on Facebook....

This is me and brother, James. We were pretending to be the Backstreet Boys in concert. I'm wearing carpenter pants. Why mom? WHY???

Our "microphones" were fashioned out of black pipe cleaner. Once again...the pants....and the shoes...and the sunglasses....the backwards cap.....this is just not okay....why couldn't I have dressed up like the Spice Girls like my BFF's Sarabeth and Allie???

I bet this is where I'm belting out "GET YOURSELF A.....BAD BOY!!!" 
Anyway...back to this evening.....I was so excited I was pretty much squirming in my seat. I was trying to dance, but since I was driving, it was really hard. So I ended up just squirming. But I had blast. Alone. A part of me wanted to bust out that pipe cleaner handless microphone....

(2)  So I finally finished an excellent book, All the Shah's Men, by Stephen Kinzer. It's about how the CIA overthrew the democratically elected Prime Minister of Iran in 1953. It was at Britain's insistence...back then Britain was the one interfering everywhere and thus to blame for everything, not the U.S. It's amazing how much history has to offer, especially when calculating our current foreign policy....and yet how it's completely disregarded....especially when calculating our current foreign policy. Sad. Anyway, there is a lot of bad blood between the governments of Iran and the U.S. Our govt. would have everyone believe that it's their fault. And their government would have everyone believe it's our fault. Well it's not quite so easy, but a good place to start would be the year 1953. That CIA-backed coup d'etat  had more than a few consequences which have lasted more than a few years. It's really a great read (though not without flaws, but I won't offer my criticism on the book here) and I highly recommend it.

(3) Our blog has a new follower! Welcome, Luke! Our #20! (Let's pretend for a second that my mom isn't following this blog from 3 separate accounts because the first two wouldn't let her leave comments....) And for those of you pansies who follow this blog without actually clicking on the button "follow" in the upper left hand corner out of fear that it'll seem weird for whatever reason....shame!! I know there are more of you.....I just know it :-)

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Halloween Costume...Help!

So I need to know what to be for Halloween. ASAP. I have a couple ideas up my sleeve, and am accepting others as well. I'd like to not go the typical Halloween route of "wear as little clothes as possible and call it a costume." I'd prefer the costume to be funny and not so much slutty. To be clear, I won't judge you if your costume is slutty. I'll probably just be jealous that you look so freakin smokin hot and I don't. But anyway, so all four of these ideas are on Time Magazine's top Halloween list, but the first two are ideas I had actually already entertained before I saw the list. So I'll link up each specific costume so you can see for yourselves. Here's what I've got so far:

(1) Muammar Gaddafi. Please click on this link to see how it would be done. And this link for the mask. It'd be relatively easy and cheap. My only issue is that he died only days ago. And I just wrote this blog post about the human race's inappropriate behavior toward dead evil people. My reservation is not just because I fear appearing hypocritical. It's just that I was actually throwing around the idea of dressing up like him a few weeks before he even died, back when he was just a guy hiding in a hole. His death was not supposed to happen before Halloween, seeing as how that might be morbid and just wrong. But maybe it's okay...? Thoughts???

(2) My generation's version of hippies. Hipster, if you will. You MUST clink on the link attached to Hipster...not only is it hilarious, it's very informative if you are unfamiliar with the term. And here's the link to Time's description. When I was considering this as my costume, I had already thought of the hipster attire, plus the shirt that I'm about to describe. But I think I also like the more elaborate protester element that Time describes. So I think for my shirt I'd get a plain white v-neck and put the letters "OWS" on the front. You know, Occupy Wall Street since I'm pretty sure we can all agree that hipsters are all about OWS. And It'd be not in support OR rejection, just simply to make fun. And I'd also have a sign that says like "We are the 99%" or something. Again, just to poke fun. Too much of a touchy subject though? Idk. I could still make fun of hipsters without making fun of the protesters....though what fun would that be....

(3) Harold Camping (rapture dude). This is all you need to know. Although I don't think I'd end up going all out with the old man look and the suit and all. I'd pretty much just cover the costume with the funny sign that it mentions. I know, lame. But idk.

(4) Rebecca Black. The link says it all. Though I might somehow incorporate one of her silly lyrics into the costume, just to be more clear.
If you have a favorite, let me know. If you have a favorite plus modifications, let me know. If you think these all suck, let me know. However, you can't think they suck and let me know UNLESS you have an idea AND it's a good one. And even if you don't think my ideas suck but still have a good idea not listed, those suggestions are welcome as well. It just has to be relatively easy to pull together at the last minute, seeing as it's the week before. And if I go with Gaddafi, I'll order the mask with 3-day shipping by Monday, just to be sure. So you all have until Monday evening to tell me. So please please please....input. Via either the comment section on my blog, or the link I'll put on my Facebook. But I really want input. PLEASE :-)

Saturday, October 22, 2011

The Day I Hugged Matt Nathanson

I forgot to log out of Mary's account. So it says that Mary wrote this, but really it's Michelle typing here.

Anyway, it was a great day.

Note: On the afternoon of the show, my friend texted both me and Mary the following message: "Matt masturbation!!!"
Hahahaha auto-correct. Obviously I won't reveal who it was, but she was excited on me and Mary's behalf that we were going to get to see Matt masturbation Nathanson. Funny funny stuff.

But on to the story......

We had tickets to see Matt Nathanson, so I took work off because I wanted to make sure I could get in line by 4:30 so that I could get our usual spot upstairs, front and center. Doors didn't open till 6:30, and the opening band didn't start till 7:30. Is that dedication or what? Well, it's really more about comfort. I just knew that I wouldn't want to stand the whole time, and in order to get the limited seating upstairs front and center, I'd have to be there early. So I did my duty, and got there well before any significant crowds began to show. I'm such a loser, ha.

Well, it ended up paying off because as I was sitting there waiting, the only two other people that were there were these two loud annoying girls. They kept harassing one of the employees to let us in for the sound check. It was all in good humor, but still I thought no way is he going to let us in, these girls are too annoying. Well, lo and behold, a couple guys come out and ask if the 10 of us in line wanted to go in and meet him (the line had grown by then).

Uuuuummmmmmm YES PLEASE.

I felt bad though because the whole reason I had gotten there before Mary and Laura was so that I could save a spot in line. And by going in I gave up my spot....and I felt bad because I wanted them to be able to meet him too. But, you snooze you lose! (Ok fine, they had to work but whatever).

So anyway he and his band rehearsed a few songs, which was of course amazing. Then we got to take pictures with him. When it was my turn he gave me a big hug (not a side hug either - a front hug!) and asked my name. He then told me that he loved my earrings, and then asked where I was from. I know we talked a little bit more, but I can't remember what else was said because I was so starstruck. And then someone took our picture, and I was given a free signed copy of his newest album, Modern Love.

So by the time we finished, it was around 5:30, and to my surprise there were still only 10-15 people in line. Meaning I didn't sacrifice anything in order to meet him. Mary and Laura showed up soon after, and we chatted and took pictures while waiting, then finally got to go in a little after 6:30.

The first band was called Scars on 45. Almost always the opening band sucks. But Scars on 45 was really a pleasant surprise.

They're British. And I'm pretty sure it's no secret by now that those Brits can pump out some pretty awesome musicians.

And this song of theirs was apparently featured on Grey's Anatomy....a show which I admit I have never actually seen...

Good stuff, yeah?

Matt and his band started their performance a little after 8:30 and didn't finish till 10:15 or so. Which I thought was awesome. He of course played a bunch of his new stuff, but the old stuff was also very well represented. And...he is hilarious. Quite the comedian, very entertaining performer. And when he sings, he gets really into it. Like he sort of humps the air a little bit. But only a little bit. And he's a mad dancer...got some serious footwork goin on. Basically, he's not what I'd call hot, but the man has some serious sex appeal. Oh and fun fact....his drummer is from Orem, UT apparently. Cool, huh?

A refresher for those who think they haven't heard of Matt Nathanson. I beg to differ:

Now that we all know who this talented young musician is, photos from the evening:

The exclusive concert before the concert ;-)

My heart was pounding pretty hard right about then

Waiting in line...


We were trying to get a picture of the stage in the background. No luck.

Looks like I'm high...

This is what happens when Michelle tries to be sexy. Quite scary, actually.

Mary's almost got the sexy thing down.

Scars on 45

Maaaaatt Nathanson!

I'm glad I captured this stance.


I'm not sure yet how this video is going to turn out uploaded on the blog, but the point is to show off his dancin skills.

And this is him performing "Faster." I know that videos from lame cameras like mine never capture concert moments very well at all....but the point is again just to point out how adorable a performer he is.

It was such a good time.

Next good bands coming up?
Cold War Kids - Oct. 27
Parachute - Oct. 28
The Kooks - Nov. 30
While I would really like to go to all of those....I think the only one I refuse to miss is The Kooks. The other two I can do without.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Death of a Dictator

Photo cred: I copied this image from here: http://blog.foreignpolicy.com/posts/2011/10/20/photo_qaddafis_end

I'm glad this guy isn't around anymore. But I'm not a fan of how people praise the death of another human. It's sick and wrong. I don't care how much damage to humanity he is responsible for....as fellow humans, I just don't feel okay about it. And what I'm about to say is probably really extreme and it's going to sound crazy. But I'm just thinking and writing my train of thought as it comes. So, there's an LDS scripture that states "The worth of souls is great in the sight of God." My petty human emotions can't comprehend or wrap my head around how the former Libyan dictator can ever be considered "great in the sight of God." But he is a soul, sooo.....I'm not even sure how to finish that sentence because I'm still trying to understand how I feel. But... wherever that atrocious pig ends up in the after life, I don't know. And to feel relief that he's not around to commit horrific crimes....obviously that's natural. But it just seems irreverent to party about it. It makes me a little queasy. Kind of like the picture I included. There is just nothing celebratory about that image. 

On another note, I'm not a fan of death without trial. That's a slippery slope to play with. The Libyans should have subjected him to a trial. Obama should have subjected Anwar al-Awlaki to a trial. It's not like either of those guys would have been let off the hook by a sympathetic jury. I mean come on, get real here. Where is our judicial system? I get that Awlaki was a combatant against the U.S. But I don't freaking care. He was still a U.S. citizen, and I'd hate to think that the executive branch of the "free" country in which I live can rationalize its way into taking me out via drone strike. Yes, I heard how crazy I sound. And no I don't think we'll ever actually get that far off track. That's just crazy conspiracy theory. But at one point in time killing an American citizen wasn't okay. If it's okay now based on such and such, it's not that hard to ease up those standards over time. Hence why it's a slippery slope. I do have faith in our system, but I'm losing it. Real fast.

I've heard excellent arguments both defending and refuting what I just said. So my opinions on the matter really aren't set in stone. I'm working that out still. But for now, this is what is going through my head. And I'm sorry for how incoherent I sound. I really am just rambling thoughts as they surface.....

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Music Mood of the Day

I've been playing The Weepies on loop today in my car. Just a Weepies kind of day, I guess. And so I went home and hadn't quite gotten it out of my system, and watched a few of their videos. How cute is this one?! 

I love how it portrays love in all walks of life. I love the boldness of including gay people in this video. I know that this topic is a tough one, but I for one am a stalwart member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, but also fully believe that people with same-sex attraction should have every right to celebrate their love to the same extent that straight people do. (ahem....marriage). It's a long story as to how I came to this decision, but I did. Also, recall that this blog is run by 2 people, and I can only speak for myself here on this topic (Michelle).

That's not the point of this post though. The point is how delicious this music is and how it satiates my appetite so nicely :-)

Another great one...an older one. I'm so glad that my BFF and former roomie Sarabeth Klingman introduced me to the Weepies many years ago....among other fantastic musicians.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Home Sweet Quite Warm Home

(Video of the fam at Galveston Beach...I'm not blog savey enough to figure out how to get this down in the right section so count this as your preview to the show)

I love going back and visiting good ole Houston, close to where I grew up and where my family now lives. I especially enjoy it since now between having a big girl job in Utah with little PTO saved up and at the same time not very much money (thank you student loans), I rarely get to go back there.

Well...I was fortunate enough to find myself on a plane heading towards Houston about a month ago, for Labor day weekend! Although what went down was not exactly the itinerary I had planned for, it turned out to be a fun trip packed into 3 short days. Highlights from the trip, with pictures included of course:

1) I saw all the amazing work that my dad and his helper did on our house...it looked SO different! I'm always blown away at how handy my dad is at renovating the houses we move into, (not to mention fixing cars and other random things around the house.) We have been spoiled with that growing up and now the guys I date have a disadvantage in that I expect the same level of skill in them...as if I need to make dating any more difficult than it is these days. :)
Before pic with our floating door and high ceiling

Remodeled ceiling, the new floor for the new room
New room upstairs above the living room

2) FOOD food and more food! Mom cooking, dad's grilled fajitas, Shipley's Donuts twice, Bluebell homemade vanilla ice cream on pie - um YES PLEASE, pizza and much much more. Disgusting example of a Registered Dietitian? Perhaps, but you'll have to get over it because that's what we do in Texas, and I feel good about my decision. It's called Intuitive Eating or...maybe I've become so accustomed to encouraging weight gain with my babies that it's rubbing off with my eating habits...whoops.

3) Schilitterbahn! What's that you say? Oh just the hottest coolest time in Texas. No big deal. We went to this waterpark annually as a family and I have so many fond memories of our trips there. Apparently they have expanded and now have a location closer to Houston over in Galveston so we decided to check it out and loved it! We even conquered the slide with a 80 foot drop where you shoot down at 40 mph with winds at like 45 mph at the top. Be impressed, we were.
lazy river

huge slide

Pretty sure I had entered my happy place right about now

4) Galveston Beach! I know I know...you all think our beaches are disgusting and full of seaweed or whatever you say but I happen to LOVE this beach. You know why? It's not as gross as you think AND the water is WARM so you can actually get in it, voluntarily...and enjoy it! Take that California beaches. Nothing trumps water at a perfect temp. Ah, just thinking about it makes me feel so warm and cozy inside. Unfortunately there was a bit of a storm coming in that day though and then my brother James and I drifted out a bit too far and got called back in by the lifeguard. (And you guys thought I wasn't a rebel/daredevel...)

Butt shot...ooh yeah

It was so windy!!

Beautiful Rainbow

Love the sky in Texas
5) Back to sleeping in "my room" designed to be a sewing room but used as both during my summers at home...lost among the sewing/crafty goodness on the small bed in the back...it was hard to return to my princess queen size bed in Salt Lake, let me tell you. Oh wait...:)
Old pic of me and my dog Pardner sleeping in our fancy smancy beds

6) Simply sitting around without a worry in the world, catching up with the good ole fam. Enough said.

Jealous yet? You probably started feeling the need to covet my life back when I first mentioned that I went to Houston. Worthy cause for coveting if you ask me. Anyways, there was definitely more that I'm missing but just know that I'm ready to go back again...hopefully next time for the big Houston Rodeo!!