Wednesday, March 30, 2011

My Favorite HOLIday

This post might seem really stupid to all my friends from Utah, since it's basically just explaining something that everyone knows about.

Every year at the very end of March, every single person's Facebook profile picture changes to a colorful, chalky, beautiful mess. Yes my friends. My favorite holiday is Holi. Well, at least my that's my favorite non-Christian holiday...though Nowruz (the Persian New Year) makes for a pretty tough competitor in that category.

For those that don't know what Holi is (aka Festival of Colors), click on the link to take you to good ol Wikipedia to get a rough explanation, because goodness knows I'm not going to take the time to do so. There's an Indian Temple located in Spanish Fork, Utah, and for those who don't know, that's about 20 minutes-ish from Provo. There's always terrible traffic on that day because everyone is trying to make it in time, but Mary's friend gave us instructions for a back way to get there, and it never fails. A 20 minute trip, no traffic, perfect parking. And no....I will never ever share this secret passage. Anyway, I didn't go this year because it was too darn cold for me to want to be outside for that long. Spring came for a few days...but quickly left again as it does every single stupid year. And the weather will go back and forth between spring and lingering Winter until June. Seriously. So annoying. Ok that was a tangent, but whatever let's get back on topic.

Me and Mary have a goal to make it to India at some point in our lives during the Spring so we can be there for Holi. It will happen. It will.

Someone posted the following video onto Facebook, and I thought it was absolutely amazing. And after watching it, you'll all soon see why this might just be my very favorite holiday.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Not Yet

I just wrote an entire blog and then deleted it. On purpose.

It was a tad political in nature.

Like Israel/Palestine conflict political.

And I even wrote a big long disclaimer.

But then I decided that I'm not quite ready to out myself as the Palestinian sympathizer that I generally am.

Even though anyone who knows me know that about me.

So that's not a surprise.

And it wasn't even really all that controversial.

Maybe another time when I'm feeling a tad bit more courageous. 

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Worthy of $8-10

Just saw this movie tonight.

The Adjustment Bureau

Highly recommended.

And I know Matt Damon is getting up there in age, but he is just oh so adorable and charming!

Fun fact: I played basketball on a YMCA team when I was in the 6th grade. I also liked everything that my older sisters liked because I wanted to be just like them. They all thought that Matt Damon was so dreamy and handsome and whatnot. Therefore, I did too...even though I barely knew who he was. Anyway, my basketball coach needed to name a play, so she asked us for the name of a guy we liked. I blurted out "Matt Damon!" The play was thus named "Matt." We would be on the court, and I'd hear someone yell "Matt" and I then knew to do my part of the play. Idk, I think it's kind of funny, looking back.

You Best Come Find Me, Boy

So there's this video on CNN about this American man who was in Japan during this most recent disaster, and he walked 20 hours to find his girlfriend in a nearby village!

(spoiler alert) He finds her. Yay.

Um hello can you say boyfriend of the year award?????

And it made me realize that since he was willing to do that (and it's not like there was even a ring on her finger!), then there must be other men out there who wouldn't have to think twice about making that sacrifice.

Which means that I'm adding this requirement to my already way too long list of must-haves in my future husband.

Basically, when we are still only dating, I've decided that I'm going to hide somewhere.Maybe in a tree. Hmm. I'm going to need ideas for a good hiding place. Anyway, when he realizes that I'm missing, he'll have to wander around for 20 hrs straight just to find me. Like there's going to have to be blisters on his ankles and everything. It'll be a really fun game, I think. And just plain necessary to prove his undying love for me.

I couldn't embed the video, so here's the link to the website. If it doesn't work, well then that's just too bad because it really just warms your heart right up.

And. In honor of sappy romance, here is just another little treat for you to snack on, cause believe me it's's a lovely song by Alexi Murdoch called "All My Days" and everyone should listen to it because the lyrics will just downright melt your heart:

I do not know who made this video, but it is most definitely not official.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Rolling Down Mountains

(Picture courtesy of Anna Gleave's iPhone)

People in Utah but not of Utah consistently complain about the cold weather and snow and all that crap. And I am one of them. But even though it makes driving difficult and causes accidents and other crap, some people seem to find enjoyment out of the white fluffy stuff that falls from the sky. That enjoyment tends to come from playing on a mountain on a slick board that will do everything in its power to kill you, or two skinnier boards that will force you into the splits as they try to do everything in their power to kill you.

Yes my friends, I'm talking about snowboarding and skiing. I realized that I have less than a month before the end of this year's ski/snowboarding season, and there is a pretty good chance I'll have moved out of Utah to the East Coast for a big girl job before next year's winter season officially begins (crossing fingers). And I have never been skiing or snowboarding in my life, and all the Utah license plates claim that this is "the best snow on Earth." So my goodness I've lived here for 4 1/2 years I guess it's about time I learn how to snowboard!

And so I did.

My close friends/neighbors Anna Gleave and Lauren Wutzke made plans with me to get nightpasses for Sundance to do this snowboarding thing last Friday (3-4-11), along with two other friends. One problem. I own absolutely no snow gear. So Lauren was a doll and lent me her snow pants and two coats. I have snow gloves, and rented the board and boots and whatever else for $25 from Sports Authority. If that's not a good deal, don't tell me. I don't want to know. Besides, my willingness to pay was about that much anyway, so economically speaking it was a good deal for me (in fact I probably would have dished out for $5-10 more if I needed to, I have no idea how much this stuff usually rents for). Lauren was going to let me use her helmet, but it was left in her car which her sister took to Draper for the day, so I thought eh, who actually falls and hits their head anyway? I have arms and legs to stop that from happening. Silly me. Plus, I know how to wakeboard (not very good though), which isn't the same thing, but I figured it was similar enough to pick up snowboarding pretty easily. Aaaand, I go to the gym frequently each week, and do a ton of quad work between my beloved spin classes, power pump classes, and even my turbo kickboxing class. I know that sounds stupid that I'm talking about how I go to the gym, but the point was that I felt like I had a valid reason to feel confident in my strength and ability to learn how to snowboard.

We got up there around 5ish and immediately jumped onto a ski lift. Ok, ok...that's a lie. I had to learn how to even put the snowboard on, and then how to waddle over to the lift with one foot strapped in, and one foot out to half walk/half slide/almost fall on my way over to the lift, which should really be like a 30 second trip at most but what took me what felt like 6 hours. Oh and that's with the help of at least two people holding my hands and trying to help me. I'm real cool.

Anyway, I made it on the lift, was shaking on the way up not from the cold wind but from my tense nerves about what I was about to attempt to do. With help, I got off the lift at what Lauren told me days later was apparently a blue circle! My first time! I feel like she's lying. But I don't know. Anyway, everyone took off and did their own thing except for one person who was kind enough to shoulder the burden of having to teach me. After many attempts at trying to just stay up and not fall back down, I realized that my wakeboarding experience and my time at the gym weren't going to save me here.

With much coaching, I finally was able to move but only for 5 seconds before I'd fall again. The trick is apparently to completely trust that if I bend my knees enough and don't lean forward, it'll work. And while my brain knew that, my body didn't feel like complying. I also was supposed to have confidence that if I correctly performed my stop, the board would stop. Well, once again my brain wasn't adequately delivering the message to my body, particularly my legs and my left foot. Since I'm goofy, my left foot was supposed to be steering and helping me to stop.

The best part of this story is my big fall. I felt like I was kind of getting the hang of it, which by the way I so completely was not at that point. Anyway I was on a decline when I decided I was going too fast. Oh I should mention that anytime I felt like I was going too fast, which was like anything more than 5 mph, I got nervous and I would automatically find my body trying to stop myself, even if I really didn't want to and knew I shouldn't. So anyway I was on that decline, tried to stop, but was not bending my knees enough and I think I leaned forward a tad instead of back.

And down that mountain I rolled.

I don't know how many times, I don't remember a lot while it was happening because it happened so fast. I think maybe I rolled down the mountain 2 times, possibly 3. And I'm talkin like head over feet rolling. Not on my side. No sir. Head over feet which where attached to a gigantic board. I do distinctly remember not only feeling, but hearing my skull hit the ice. Not snow, ice. Conditions were awful that day, and pretty much no powder. Right after my head hit, I felt the right side of my body around my love handle area smack the ice rather hard as well. Eventually I stopped rolling, and I was facedown trying so so very hard not to cry. Everything was spinning, and there was a medic nearby that witnessed the incident and called out to my friend to ask if I was ok. He wandered over, looked at my face to see if I was crying, saw that I wasn't, and waved the medic on. After taking another 10 seconds to recover, we got back up and eventually made it to the bottom. It took somewhere between 1.5-2 hours from the time I got off the lift to the time I made it to the bottom.

The second round went much better (remember that "better" is a relative term), and we did it in somewhere between 15-30 minutes. I can't remember anymore exactly how long. I took a break after that because my whole body was just absolutely aching. So much for thinking I was in decent shape. I also felt incredibly guilty that this dear gentleman teaching me had paid money to go enjoy himself, and was stuck making sure that I didn't unintentionally kill myself. So off he went to go play, and off I went to huddle by the fire pit.

He came back, grabbed me, and we went down a third and final time. Very smooth compared to the other two runs. Compared to is also really important here to keep in mind. After that, I was cold and wet after having spent more time rolling around in the icy chunky snow than actually gliding on top of it, and I felt a little light-headed so I went to join Anna who had just made herself comfortable in the nearby lodge. Or some place that was indoors.

I should also mention that I never actually did the snowboarding thing by myself. My kind and patient teacher went down the mountain backwards so that I always had someone to hold onto because I never felt confident enough to fully let go. I think towards the end I was doing it myself, but I was still too scared. Oh and we were doing the falling leaf thing. This is just all to put this in perspective so when I say I "started to get it," I mean I started to get the basics, as basic as you can get. I have yet to even fall leaf by myself. But I will emphasize once more that I started on a blue circle!! (so I'm told)

After the lovely night of boarding, we chowed down on burgers and a million fries at Red Robin. Perfect ending to an painfully awesome night.

P.S. I had to do a thorough cleaning of my apartment that night, which was so unbelievably painful to even move around much less clean, you have no idea. And when I woke up on Saturday I was extremely dizzy, and my neck was so sore I seriously couldn't find the strength to pick my head up off the pillow. After almost an hour of just laying in my bed, wide awake, borderline paralyzed (or so it seemed), I forced myself out and stumbled into the living room where I found Mary. I almost passed out as I was washing my face, so Mary hurried and shoved some crackers and blue Poweraid down my throat. I felt really dizzy all day, and we decided that I may have suffered some kind of head trauma since my skull impacted the ice so hard. The rest of the day I had to move slowly, my neck muscles would barely allow my head to swivel, and basically I just wanted to die I hurt so very very bad. Sunday morning was just as terrible, except I felt feverish as well, so I was a bad girl and stayed in bed through church (Stake Conference, even. Really bad girl). Once I finally got up and showered, I felt tremendously better. And I'm pretty much all healed up by now, except I still get dizzy if I bend over to pick something up or whatever. But it's not bad at all. And My neck muscles are also slightly in recovery. But only when I'm laying down and try to lift my head up.

But I can't wait to go again! If I even get to before the season is over :-(

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

What did YOU do for National Registered Dietitian Day??

I'm going to pretend like my ditzy moment was not just publicized for all the world to enjoy and move along to bigger more important things. National Registered Dietitian Day. Haha. Well as big as this holiday is to me, I just worked, fixed my car and went to the gym...nothing too exciting. BUT, I did pre-celebrate last week with coworkers eating a yummy dinner we had catered for us and hanging out with fellow RDs...thank you amazing Clinical Nutrition Manager. :)

Anyways, I'm uber tired and as it's approaching bedtime I thought I'd just leave yall with a little video to motivate you to eat better, well at least choose your drinks more wisely....enjoy! (PS I'm totally stealing this from the blog of a future American Dietetics Association President, the Ms. Emily Vaterlaus.)

Mary's Fancy Liquid Fabric Softner

So, many many weeks ago, me and Mary were in need of laundry detergent. She was kind enough to take care of the grocery trip and brought some back for us. She did a few loads of laundry with it, but I didn't have to do my laundry for another week or so.

When the time came, I loaded up the washer, and reached for the laundry detergent. All I could find was liquid fabric softener, which confused me for a number of reasons.
(1) We just bought frickin detergent where the crap is it.
(2) We grew up using those ghetto fabric softener sheets that you throw into the dryer with your clothes. Not only that, but we even had to rip the sheets in half, probably for conservation/money reasons or something. Not that we were ever strapped for cash, my parents have just always been amazing at keeping a responsible budget and staying out of debt. Not that using a whole fabric softener sheet will leave us penniless...but anyway, we have never ever bought that fancy liquid fabric softer that you throw in when the clothes are on their final rinse. So why now?
(3) Why didn't Mary tell me about this new thing she wanted to try?

I asked Mary where the laundry detergent was, and she said it was in the pantry by the washer/dryer where it always is. I called her a liar. She came in, picked up the fabric softener, and handed it to me like I was an idiot. Which made me laugh pretty darn hard because that's when I realized that the poor child bought fabric softener thinking it was laundry detergent. She also washed a few loads of laundry with it. Her many reactions:
(1) "Aw man, I was wondering why it was so cheap!" (cheap compared to other detergents, not other softeners)
(2) "I thought the 'detergent' seemed more thin and strange than normal!"
(3) "Well that explains why all my clothes smelled so strong!"

Anyway, that was a few months ago, and I just now decided to be adventurous and try out this fancy liquid softener, since my ghetto softener sheets had just run out. And you know what? I think there is nothing more wonderful in this world than fancy liquid fabric softener. I can't believe I haven't tried this stuff before. Everything is so frickin soft and smells so good I just want to roll around in my freshly washed laundry all day long.

My name is Michelle, and I am a fancy liquid fabric softener convert/addict.

7 Billion

Mind blowing population statistics.

Zombie Insects

What the WHAT??? 
I don't know even what to say to this. This is effin crazy, fools. 

Monday, March 7, 2011

Arcade Fire, Please Pretty Please

I have the day off today, so I might just take the time to update the blog 800 times to cover my weekend. Not that it was that eventful. I just am very wordy.

But for now.....I NEED someone to come with me to Arcade Fire on April 11. I have friends who like them, but so far all who I have asked are all still in school and feel that the concert is too close to finals week. So I need someone to come with me. I mean come on...they even won a Grammy for Best Album of the Year!!! Very well deserved, I might add.


The Man I Will Marry

It was a chilly Wednesday night, March 2, 2011....I arrived at In the Venue at approximately 5:30, one hour before doors opened. This is what it looked like when I got there. Once the doors open, people were wrapped around that building in a long, long line.

I was the 5th person in line. Mary was supposed to meet me at about 5:45, but her special Dietitian dinner thing took longer than expected. She showed up around 6:15, just enough time for me to run and grab some food from the little taco vendor across the street, from where I had taken that picture, actually (amazing food, by the way). I scarfed down a miraculous chicken quesadilla. Yes, miraculous.

They actually opened the doors on time (unheard of, in my experience), and me and Mary headed straight to the 21+ section so we could get wasted sit down on chairs instead of being in the middle of a sweaty, young crowd. We were the first ones up there, and grabbed 2 of maybe 4 chairs and sat down front and center, best seats in the house.

The first opener was the lovely Lara Jansen.

 Me and Mary loved this song:

Next was Cary Brothers. First name, Cary. Last name, Brothers. Not "The Cary Brothers."

And then Cary and Lara doing a song together:

My best friend in the whole wide world, Sarabeth Klingman, introduced me to Cary Brothers when we lived together at Raintree in 2008-2009. I fell in love with a few of his songs, particularly Blue Eyes and Ride.

Ignore the weird blue screen with lyrics, and just pay attention to the wonderful song.

And hey is that Brittany Snow (girl from the movie John Tucker Must Die) in this cheesy, weird music video? Hm, I think that's funny. Again, it's the song I like....not so much the video.

At last.......
Joshua Radin!!!

A few of my favorite songs:
(1) From his first album, We Were Here, I really like "Only You"

Once again, don't pay attention to the video. Just the soft, intimate music!

(2) From his Second album, Simple Times, two favorites: "I'd Rather Be With You"

And "Sky" featuring the ever adorable Ingrid Michaelson, although Josh sadly did not perform this, nor was Ingrid present even if had decided to.

(3) From his third album, the one this tour is promoting, The Rock and the Tide: "Road to Ride On"

And "You Got What I Need"

This song has a whole new meaning ever since he confessed onstage that he wrote the song for two of his friends who were trying to conceive their second child. They told him that they would often listen to his first album while doing the deed, and wanted more music similar to the first album to help create another human being. To which he said, that is weird, but anything for my two best friends. And wrote this song. Funny, huh?

Me and Mary were pleasantly surprised to find everything running smoothly and on time, so that we were back home by 11pm. I think it helped that Lara didn't have a band, so it didn't take a lot of time to set up her one and only keyboard. And Cary used the same bandmates that Joshua did so the entire stage was already ready to go from the time the show started at 7.

Oh and fun fact about Cary and Josh....they were good friends before Josh decided to do the music thing. He wrote a song one day for his long-time girlfriend who he felt like he needed to break up with. So he wrote this song (pay attention to the lyrics....ouch!):

Anyway, he then took the song to Cary and played it for him. Cary thought it was great, convinced him to record it in Cary's bedroom....and his career took off. Pretty cool, I think. I read the part about his ex-girlfriend in an interview he did, and the rest I learned from the Cary and Josh themselves at the concert.

One complaint...I was really embarrassed by the crowd of SLC because there was a section of people that was being wayyyy noisy, rude, and annoying! This is not the kind of show where you scream and mosh and jump up and down and act like a complete idiot. I avoid that kind of crap. This was a very soft, almost accoustic kind of sound which kind of requires silence in order to best enjoy the show. BUT. There was this constant murmuring going on off to the side from a whole crowd of people. Josh pretty much had to compete with them for attention. Like he had to try and sing over the noise. Really embarrassing, and really rude, and really annoying. I don't know why they paid money to come, but it really downgraded my experience of the show.

Anyway, I love love love all of his music, even despite the clear evolution from the sound of his first album to the second to third. They are all so different, but all so amazing. And it's actually so hard for me to pick favorite songs, because it just depends on the day really. I love this man, and will....I repeat WILL bear his children one day :-)

Sunday, March 6, 2011


Jon Kotter

Update 3/7/11: For those who are confused, this post is in response to a half-hearted request to mention his name within one of our posts, a request probably not actually even expected to be fulfilled. But oh. Oh how we fulfilled that request.

I assume you all already know who this fella is, you just don't realize it. If I had a picture of his calves, which I don't {yet}, you would instantly recognize him. Those are one of a kind, my friends. Anyway, me and Mary feel that the entire .00000000000000000000000000000001% of cyberspace that takes the time to read this blog should know a thing or two about this particular gentleman:

(1) First and most importantly, he apparently has fantastic, defined calves, due to his time devoted to the BYU cross country team and the track team...both of which he has become too old for "graduated" from. And I say apparently because me and Mary have yet to personally witness the remarkable muscles. But word on the street is that they are somethin' special.

(2) Jon always looks nice. And hates looooooves being told that day after day.

(3) My chocolate chip cookies are 8 million times more tasty than his. Don't listen to his lies when he tells you otherwise.

(4) He's more than halfway through with BYU Law School. I know, I know....we've all read about the tragedy of law school graduates and how they end up unemployed and swimming in piles of debt. But don't worry ladies, we are confident that Jon has the smarts and work ethic to instantly land a cushy job allowing for a luxurious lifestyle.

(5) And finally, he is no different than any other man.....can't get enough of both of us Curtis Girls ;-)

(This is not my best picture, but I think is the only one we have to document the evidence)