My latest obsession.......
Me and Mary did our grocery shopping on Saturday evening before we went to a stake dance, which by the way was the worst idea ever and I'm pretty sure I'll never make that mistake ever again...we were there for a total of 1.5 minutes. Enough to steal 2 cookies and 2 bottles of water...anyway. So we're at Smiths and Mary has this problem where she passes out at work if she doesn't have enough food or protein or something, so she has to carry around a baggy of mixed nuts during her rounds in order to prevent a disaster like this one.
I am already aware that I have an addiction to honey roasted peanuts and that I don't really know how to portion when I get going with those little morsels of heaven. It's been a really long time since I've allowed myself to purchase this treat for that very reason. And they're quite pricey, even with the off-brand. But anyway as Mary picked out her selection of mixed nuts, she caught me gazing longingly at my long lost love. And so she told me that I am allowed to buy them just this one time, as an experiment, to see if I can handle it. To see if I can make them last at least a week. If I can have the self-control to portion.
Well I can't.
I am so sad. It'll probably be a long time before I'm allowed to buy them again.
It's Wednesday night and as I sit here blogging, I have the can of nuts next to me. I'm fighting the urge to reach in and eat the last couple bites worth. I'm pretty sure I'll lose the battle, and my taste buds will win as they laugh menacingly at my love handles.
I love these things too! Another funny post that made me laugh a lot. And, you don't have love handles so hush. :)