Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Graduation (pt. II)

So these aren't in perfect order...but I promised some graduation pictures quite a while ago. And I'm finally delivering on that promise. And I sure do hope you appreciate them because I have a cold from HELL right now and I feel like a train has run me over. I am just oh so excited to work a double tomorrow at a place where I serve food and can/probably will spread my germs to customers....

Anyway, enjoy the pictures!


Stinker face Landon:-)

This is what happens when you mix a Michelle with Wasabi sauce for the first time ever. 

Funny, I thought this kid never got full!

Not my most flattering shot ever, but a fun sister picture nonetheless

Trying to force Landon to love us after our lunch at Tucanos

We sometimes try to steal him

A little blurry. My photographer doesn't understand that my  point and shoot camera requires the shoot button to be pressed halfway to focus before actually clicking. But that's just because she has a fancy professional camera

Only some of the graduates there. Blue means undergrad. Otherwise I don't know. Mary wore black and she was a graduate student. 

I first met this girl (Nettie) at the beginning of Arabic 201 because we both were in need of a speaking appointment partner. So glad neither of us had friends so that we could meet each other!! We also shared a room while living in Amman, Jordan.  I just adore this lady.

The family minus 2 (plus husbands...and by husbands I mean of those 2 who are missing from this picture)
Another blurry one.

Class of 2010, baby! No...not 2011. We were both done last December, but we had to wait to walk the stage in April.
I have more from day two to share. These pictures were from the first day, Commencement. The next set of pictures will showcase us walking the stage...w00t w00t :-)

1 comment:

  1. Yay!! One of my babies made it to your blog. Oh and congrats. :)
