I've been playing The Weepies on loop today in my car. Just a Weepies kind of day, I guess. And so I went home and hadn't quite gotten it out of my system, and watched a few of their videos. How cute is this one?!
I love how it portrays love in all walks of life. I love the boldness of including gay people in this video. I know that this topic is a tough one, but I for one am a stalwart member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, but also fully believe that people with same-sex attraction should have every right to celebrate their love to the same extent that straight people do. (ahem....marriage). It's a long story as to how I came to this decision, but I did. Also, recall that this blog is run by 2 people, and I can only speak for myself here on this topic (Michelle).
That's not the point of this post though. The point is how delicious this music is and how it satiates my appetite so nicely :-)
Another great one...an older one. I'm so glad that my BFF and former roomie Sarabeth Klingman introduced me to the Weepies many years ago....among other fantastic musicians.
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