Sunday, October 23, 2011

Halloween Costume...Help!

So I need to know what to be for Halloween. ASAP. I have a couple ideas up my sleeve, and am accepting others as well. I'd like to not go the typical Halloween route of "wear as little clothes as possible and call it a costume." I'd prefer the costume to be funny and not so much slutty. To be clear, I won't judge you if your costume is slutty. I'll probably just be jealous that you look so freakin smokin hot and I don't. But anyway, so all four of these ideas are on Time Magazine's top Halloween list, but the first two are ideas I had actually already entertained before I saw the list. So I'll link up each specific costume so you can see for yourselves. Here's what I've got so far:

(1) Muammar Gaddafi. Please click on this link to see how it would be done. And this link for the mask. It'd be relatively easy and cheap. My only issue is that he died only days ago. And I just wrote this blog post about the human race's inappropriate behavior toward dead evil people. My reservation is not just because I fear appearing hypocritical. It's just that I was actually throwing around the idea of dressing up like him a few weeks before he even died, back when he was just a guy hiding in a hole. His death was not supposed to happen before Halloween, seeing as how that might be morbid and just wrong. But maybe it's okay...? Thoughts???

(2) My generation's version of hippies. Hipster, if you will. You MUST clink on the link attached to Hipster...not only is it hilarious, it's very informative if you are unfamiliar with the term. And here's the link to Time's description. When I was considering this as my costume, I had already thought of the hipster attire, plus the shirt that I'm about to describe. But I think I also like the more elaborate protester element that Time describes. So I think for my shirt I'd get a plain white v-neck and put the letters "OWS" on the front. You know, Occupy Wall Street since I'm pretty sure we can all agree that hipsters are all about OWS. And It'd be not in support OR rejection, just simply to make fun. And I'd also have a sign that says like "We are the 99%" or something. Again, just to poke fun. Too much of a touchy subject though? Idk. I could still make fun of hipsters without making fun of the protesters....though what fun would that be....

(3) Harold Camping (rapture dude). This is all you need to know. Although I don't think I'd end up going all out with the old man look and the suit and all. I'd pretty much just cover the costume with the funny sign that it mentions. I know, lame. But idk.

(4) Rebecca Black. The link says it all. Though I might somehow incorporate one of her silly lyrics into the costume, just to be more clear.
If you have a favorite, let me know. If you have a favorite plus modifications, let me know. If you think these all suck, let me know. However, you can't think they suck and let me know UNLESS you have an idea AND it's a good one. And even if you don't think my ideas suck but still have a good idea not listed, those suggestions are welcome as well. It just has to be relatively easy to pull together at the last minute, seeing as it's the week before. And if I go with Gaddafi, I'll order the mask with 3-day shipping by Monday, just to be sure. So you all have until Monday evening to tell me. So please please please....input. Via either the comment section on my blog, or the link I'll put on my Facebook. But I really want input. PLEASE :-)


  1. I really like the idea of seeing you dressed as Harold Camping. :)

  2. rebecca or harold but I already told you that on the phone. :)
