Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Another Recap, Don't Feel Like A Creative Title

The pictures still have weird white borders, and I haven't tried to figure out how to fix that. But I guess it is consistent with our apparently ugly blog theme. One day...one day we'll give this page a facelift...

So a few weeks ago, me and Mary and our Aunt Sharlyn went to see Noah and the Whale because good heavens why would you not go see them if you were in SLC or the surrounding area the night that they graced us with their presence!

I was the first in line again, because I overestimated their popularity. Which is sad because they are so talented people don't know what they're missing. Especially live. Anyway, I was actually alone for like 30 minutes, and I was only like an hour and 15 minutes early. But that just gave me time to go grab a taco from the freakin awesome Mexican food vendor that's always across the street from In The Venue. Yum.

There's not really a whole lot to report on this one. Basically we sat next to an odd couple. A lesbian couple, and one of the girls looked about my age, and the other looked about my mother's age. They were not odd because of same-sex attraction (p.s. YAY NEW YORK!!!! <-- solely my opinion, not necessarily Mary's), but simply because of the striking age difference.

The performance was phenomenal. They played I think their entire new album, plus all of their best songs from their previous albums. They didn't talk much, but that's okay. Is it wrong that their music turns me on? Especially watching the lead singer belts out such poetic tunes with really passionate body language. mmmmmMMMMM :-)

Some favorites, I've probably already posted a few of these in previous posts...

A song to lift you u for when you're depressed (the previous one is good for that too):

Upbeat, energetic, fun, makes you wanna dance:

Can't go wrong here....:

And it looks like you'll have to head to YouTube for this one. But do yourself a favor and go. You've probably actually heard it before. But watch it anyway.

I really just love all of their songs. All of them.

And here are some pictures from the evening. Not my most photogenic day, don't judge me.

Before the show. Yeah, we're almost matching. It was an accident. An accident that happens way too often, actually.

My cute Aunt Sharlyn and my dear sister, Mary. I have to put a comma there not because it's grammatically correct (even though it is) but because if I leave it out it sounds like Mary is a nun.

Ha I love how it looks like she's staring longingly at what is probably an underage boy.

For some reason, I decided to make bug-eyes. Not sure why,  but apparently I did.

The band

Couldn't resist taking a picture of this. What's missing? Don't judge me. He's not actually lacking any limbs, he looks like this because he chose to.

Makes me weak in the knees....

So this is funny to only 3 people: me, Mary, and Sharlyn. Basically, this chick came out of nowhere and was dancing really seductively all over the boy with no arms. It made for great entertainment.They didn't know each other before, but I'm pretty sure later that night that boy got laaaiiiid.


Scary monster. Just kidding. But this guy was fun to watch simply because of his hair and how he threw it every which way. He got so sweaty that he eventually had to towel it off like a dog.

1 comment:

  1. I like your taste in music. Thanks for educating me and for getting back onto the bloggernacle.
