Thursday, December 22, 2011

Diva (birthday) Week

As Michelle has publicized on the F-book, I tend to dramatize my bday a bit every year and make sure I get friends together to do something fun and I always come away with some good memories to combat the depressing realization of my inevitable aging. This year was no exception. I got to celebrate my birthday x3 between a dinner and ice skating with friends, with family in California and finally at an amazing production of the Nutcracker by Ballet West. I feel like pictures tell the story better so I'll just throw a thousand pics on here for you to enjoy but just know, there was lots of laughter, generous gifts and great memories created.

[I know I probably say this everytime but please excuse the mess concerning my assortment of pictures...I cannot seem to figure this blogger world out and I'm losing my mind trying to do so therefore this will have to do. :)]

The gang at Sawadee (amazing Thai food restaurant for bday dinner)

I could not resist including this one - Michelle getting
ready for a pic but appearing to be sneaking a peak
at my friend Emily's chest

Funny because Jared is married and Emily had just met him
but smiled so naturally for this potentially awkward pic Jared
 with his awesome humor decided to create haha

I think Jon is showing how he is not happy about Michelle telling him
 what to order...and Laura and Janae are FASCINATED by this :)

On to the skating rink for more goofy pics!

I think we're going with bday spankings for the reason behind this one...

Practicing for their partner routine for their upcoming ice skating competition

We think Jon is hilarious - this is proof for anyone who doubted
"Hey smile!" And this is what you get. Awesomeness. :)

Opening presents with my sister Lindsey and her cute family in Sacramento. I think Landon is eyeing that cake and Liam is ready to help open!

We love these guys...and may have tried to take them back home with us, again, without success. :(

Look what Mom got me! Getting me all ready for that barefoot pregnant in the kitchen thing...getting closer and closer but still missing one important thing...haha

The siblings got me running shoes, hence the stinky expressions we're making :)

Replica of the lemon creme cake at Olive Garden done perfectly. I was definitely a happy girl!

Excitement about receiving news of a trip to the
Nutcracker in my near future! 

                                                                                    So fun to dress up and take it all in...I will always
                                                                                        love the Nutcracker. Can't wait for their next show!

And finally...a Video of the aftermath of a Sawadee crew singing for my bday - I have great friends to thank for this spotlight and the capture of it on video (although you only get to witness the very end of it and miss the singing part hehe) 

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Bored, But Too Lazy For a Real Post

So for like the past 3 days I've been listening to this guy's album on loop. And I'm pretty sure the obsession will last for at least 3 days more. I just love the lyrics, love the music. It's got an enchanting feel to it, for me at least. Apparently this guy is a big deal. I wikipediad him, and the dude is tight with Paul McCartney! And then some. Anyway, I'm pretty sure that awhile back one of his song's was the iTunes free single of the week....hence how I discovered his magical music.....otherwise I would know nothing of his existence. Maybe he's wayyyy famous (Wikipedia certainly makes him out to be) and I just had no idea. Does everyone already know of his greatness and I've just been living under a rock?

I guess I should mention that apparently this Fran Healy fellow is a big deal because of his band that's been around for well over a decade:

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Boom Goes the Dynamite

A couple weeks ago, Luke took me and our friends Jared and Kellee along with their cute little girl up to his Mom and Stepdad's place in Northern Utah to go shooting and just hang out. I was a little nervous since I had only gone shooting once and quite frankly am a little retarded with handling a gun. I'm aware that I'm from Texas and I'm supposed to know these things but my parents are from Salt Lake City, Utah and were not big into guns therefore my first exposure was at a ward activity about a year ago. Quit judging. :)

Luckily the gang that I was with are pros and were patient in teaching me how to follow the gun rules and maybe possible get near the target. There's only so much they could do but at least they kept me and everyone around us (including the animals) safe. We had a really good time and enjoyed some yummy sloppy joes made by his mom afterwards...still regretting only eating one. What was I thinking?? Here are some pictures from the day:

Luke sporting the appropriate reaction to me holding a gun :)

Best Friends - Luke and Jared

Don't mess with these men and their guns

Girls taking a shot at pun intended...ha ha ha :)

Their quaint house - a peaceful get-away

"Stop laughing at me and help, I can't figure this thing out!" :)

Playing Mommy with our friends' adorable little girl while the others were shooting

Kellee looking hot, ow ow :)

Learning the joys of a massage at a young age

Afterwards his mom and stepdad took us to a place called "Wagonland" where they refurbish all different kinds of antique carriages and was amazing. Really though. I even saw a Cinderella Wagon! Now I know what I want to carry me away to all my big deal person important events. Yes, I just became more of a princess...not good.

Our reaction to a funny/awkward comment made haha

After that we went to a beautiful green park and walked around a bit and took some fun pictures. It was so nice to be surrounded by peaceful and beautiful nature and just relax and have fun with each other. We found a park bench where Jared took some pics of us but naturally I, the master giggler, made it hard to get a good picture. He got a few but I thought it'd be more fun to show the one of Luke making me laugh, candid shots are the best. Overall it was a fun trip and so nice to get away from the fast-paced life and spend time with good friends. Enjoy a few more pics:

He makes me laugh, a lot :)

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Non-Creative Title for My Halloween Weekend Recap Post

My Halloween recap is kind of choppy and boring. I'm just tired but wanted to get this post over with. So there are pictures if you care less about the words.

Part One

So for Halloween this year I decided to be Rebecca Black. This required a purple tank top. I've never owned anything purple in my life until now because I think it really is just a terrible color. Not a thing. Well I purchased my very first purple item of clothing....for this costume. And it turns out I actually kind of like it. But I won't get carried away. I probably will never buy anything purple ever again. Anyway, I also bought what was supposed to be a brunette wig. I had a backpack that had yellow on it, so I didn't bother buying a new one. And I hung a calender around my neck and highlighted the Fridays, wrote "Partyin' partyin' partyin' YEAH" then "fun fun fun fun", and labeled the Thursday as "yesterday" and Saturday as "tomorrow." If none of this makes sense, you need to go to youtube and check out her video. She reminds us that yesterday was Thursday and that tomorrow is Saturday. Anyway, I just felt like that I needed the calender as a label because the rest of the costume wouldn't give it away enough. And boy, was I right.

My wig turned out to be way goth-looking, haha. Oops. And my friends had to help me pin some of the hair back because it was completely in my face and it was just not okay. 

So I went to Provo for the weekend. I know, I know....I live in Salt Lake and for one of the biggest party weekends of the year I chose to go to....Provo. But as much as Provo-ites DRIVE ME CRAZY....I still have a few friends there and I was excited to celebrate this holiday with them....even if it was in Provo.

So we went to a shin-dig down there and danced our little hearts out. It was a blast. I forgot how much fun it is to work my quads as I shake my butt to great music. I'm going to take a moment to clarify that I do dance with other people, but not on other people. When a guy comes and puts his hand on my waste try to pull me in so that I'll shake my butt into his crotch, I pull away. I feel bad because it seems like I'm rejecting that person, but it's really just rejecting the situation. And it's not even a moral issue for me. It's just that I want to dance and rubbing my butt on someone is not dancing. If that's what I wanted I'd just skip the whole dance part and I'd just take you home with me. But it's not what I want...dancing is what I want. The guy just gets in my way. So get off of me, and let me dance. I'll dance with you if we're dancing separate but together, because then I can still do my thing and have fun with you. 
Ok that tangent is over.......anyway.....So I soon realized that the wig was only hindering my ability to "get down", and was also making me wayyy more sweaty than was necessary. Plus ppl had no idea what was going on with my costume. So I gave up and tossed it and the calendar to the side and then proceeded to shake my butt. And I was exponentially more comfortable after I shed those items.

The next day, I noticed some injuries. First, my right leg was covered in bruises. I have no idea where they came from. But they were there. My entire face hurt way bad as well. Again....what the random. Aaaand to this day I do not know what a hangover feels like. But man I felt like I was hungover Saturday morning. So I sat around and watched TV/read/slept/chatted. All day. And then that night we went out again, and it was fun but I think I was still tired from the day before. But I still had a good time. Eventually I met up with other friends and ended up watching The Roommate. There is a reason why Rotten Tomatoes gives it a 4%. Although, that is 4% more than Sarah Palin's movie got...hahahahaha. Anyway....ok so you know how when a movie is so bad it's good? In that it's entertaining? Like the first Twilight movie (probably the others too, but I've only seen the first). It's so unbelievably awful, it provides for some good laughs, even though it's not meant to be a comedy. That's how I felt about The Roommate. Good times though. I spent the night with the girls again that night just because it was too late to drive and I didn't have church till later than usual. And that is part one of my Halloween. 


Raquel (Trophy Wife), Liz (Cheerleader), Amanda (Gold Digger), Me (Rebecca Black)

Liz (Cheerleader)

Ha, love this. Amanda (Gold Digger)

In case you're wondering.....yes. Yes she did dance on those heels 2 nights in a row for multiple hours.

Raquel (Trophy Wife)

Me (Rebecca Black)


Battle Wounds. This picture doesn't EVEN do it justice.

Part Two

So when the actual October 31st rolled around, I was so done with celebrating. Pooped I was. But after work I got dinner with friends, chilled, then went to a party that some lovely co-workers hosted. And THEN....well then I was truly pooped. 

After we got home from dinner, we noticed that Mary and Luke's pumpkin was destroyed. Funny story. I was home early evening and Mary was taking a nap. I forget that Halloween is about children dressing up and getting candy, and not actually about adults dressing up super slutty (because as the movie Mean Girls teaches us, it's the one day we're allowed to do so without being judged by others, haha) and getting wasted at a million different parties. So as I was sitting at home, the doorbell rings and my heart sank because I realized that we have no candy. So I didn't feel like I could open the door just to tell the kids we have no candy. Uh and my neighbors have the CUTEST kids and I know the parents knew we were home. Our parking spots are right next to each other so they know our cars and had to have seen them out there. Not to mention they saw me outside a few times. They so knew I was home. But I couldn't bear telling the kids I had no candy. So I shut off all the lights in the apt and Facebook-stalked in darkness as I pretended to not be home. Well, apparently Luke and his roommates had the same dilemma, and chose to also pretend like they weren't there. Well after we came home from dinner (when we actually weren't there), Mary and Luke's pumpkin had been smashed. Guess that'll teach us not to give out candy on Halloween....

Oh and since my Rebecca Black costume had been totaled over the weekend, I had to come up with something quick for the party on Monday. I had pretty much nothing to work with, so I pulled out my Bollywood costume from 2 years earlier. Confession: It is rather revealing in the stomach area. Last year I had sworn off doing the slutty costume thing for Halloween, and I was going strong this year and had no desire to wear something that can barely pass as clothes...until I had no costume but my Bollywood costume. It's a terrible rationalization, I'm aware. But oh happened, and I'm so glad that I decided to give Halloween one last hurrah that night. So fun.

Smashed pumpkin

Sad Artists (blurry picture)

Me (Bollywood), (Voodoo Priest - best costume that night), and (Devil)

Sisters :-)

Bollywood, Butterfly, Devil, Lil Wayne (?)


I just love how perfectly creepy this Voodoo Priest looks here.